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Looking for biological family? We specialize in Genetic Genealogy

If you were adopted or, otherwise, do not know the identity of a biological parent or grandparent, Twisted Roots Research (TRR) is here to help. Prospective clients receive a free 30- to 60-minute initial consultation, which can be done by phone or online via Zoom (preferred).

If both parties agree to move forward, TRR will send a client contract outlining the terms of the Genetic Genealogy Research Package. Once that is signed, TRR will research for up to 20 hours, completing those hours within three months of date of the contract.


At the end of that time, TRR will provide the client with the information found, both during a video conference and in the form of a written report.

In the event that further research hours are needed, which usually is the case, TRR and the client will determine either to renew the contract for another 20-hour package. The client may choose to pay for fewer hours or more hours than included in the package, as an a la carte option. 



The client must agree to provide TRR access to the results of any pertinent DNA kits, as well as any other documentation or information they may already have found.* 

If the client wants to proceed, but wants to take the lead on the research, the client may retain TRR as a coach to provide direction and advice to help the client focus on the research. This service is provided at an hourly rate.


In each case, TRR will create speculative family trees on These trees are kept completely confidential; privacy settings restrict them from being viewed in any search on the Ancestry site. The client will be invited to be a collaborator to these trees, so that they may view them and provide input at any time. **




TRGS will maintain contact with the client (the client is free to contact us, too) throughout the research project. Contact will be made either by phone, email or Facebook Messenger. The client is encouraged to contact TRR at any time using any of these methods, including the Live Chat feature on this website.

Finally, if the research successfully identifies close biological relatives who are living, it will be up to the client to make contact. Under no circumstances will TRR make contact with individuals identified as biological relatives to the client that may be identified during any genetic-genealogy research project.***



* ALL INFORMATION OBTAINED BY TRR when accessing a client's DNA kit(s), including usernames and passwords, will remain completely confidential. TGRS will not share any information with anyone other than the client.

​​** To access speculative Ancestry trees created by TRGS for a client, the client will be required to set up a free account at Ancestry. The client is not obligated to pay a subscription fee to see those trees, unless they wish to have their own account.

TRGS maintains its own subscriptions to Ancestry and other paid sites that may be used in performing a client’s research. The client will never be billed for any of these fees.

​​*** Don't even ask.​

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